Traditional shoes & clogs
All woody® wooden shoes & clogs to match traditional costumes
woody® shoes - models as an ideal complement to the traditional costume. Tradition and customs are our roots, quality and passion for wood are our promise. Find the right shoe for your lederhosen or dirndl. Perfect for every church day, Heimatherbst, folk festival, Oktoberfest or just because you feel like it!
High-quality, handmade clogs from Austria - experience what are probably the most flexible and comfortable clogs in the world
96% of our customers would recommend us ➤ Free shipping AT, DE and CH in 2-4 working days ➤ Already over 1,000,000 satisfied customers ➤ Top quality, handmade ➤ Flexible, bendable sole
- Natur Fell
- Natur Fell
- Oliva
- Tabacco
- Natur Fell
- Sand
- Creme
- Safor
- Nero
- Tabacco
- Schwarz
- Fell Natur
- Tabacco
- Olivia
- Caffe
- Cervo Nero
- Creme
- Safor
- Sand
- Tabacco
- Tabacco
- Tabacco
- Schwarz
- Tabacco
- Tabacco
- Caffe
- Olivia
- Cervo Nero
Are you looking for a different type of clog?
All of our shoe types at a glance